NPSS Code of Ethics


  1. Habitat & Environment

    1.1 Do not destroy or damage the environment or habitat where photographic subjects are located.

    1.2 Stay on existing roads, trails, and paths; keep habitat disturbance to a minimum.

    1.3 Do not litter in the field.


  2. Subject Welfare

    2.1 Learn the subject’s behavior and know when to back off and not to interfere with subject’s life cycle.

    2.2 Know your equipment such as the minimum focusing distance, there is no point in moving within a few centimeters of a subject when you are using longer macro lens.

    2.3 Keep a respectable distance from wildlife. Avoid stressing the subject. If a subject shows stress, move out of the subject’s comfort zone and use a longer lens or move right away.

    2.4 Do not feed or bait wildlife in order to encourage them to move out of their hiding, or for a better pose for photography.

    2.5 Do not spook, taunt or attract animal or bird for the purpose of photography (e.g. flight shoot, eye contact, reaction). Do not disturb an animal or bird at rest (e.g. owls).

    2.6 Do not force a subject into an unnatural environment in order to take a good photo.

    2.7 Be discreet – before publicizing the presence of a rare subject, evaluate the potential disturbance to the subject and its environment.


  1. Nesting birds

    3.1 Maintain a distance from nests, nesting colonies, roosts, display areas, weaning dens and feeding sites. For such sensitive site, the use of blinds and remote trigger is encouraged.

    3.2 Do not use birdcall playback devices at nesting areas.

    3.3 Do not reveal the location of active nests and weaning dens. Do not post any active nesting bird images until chicks are safely fledged

    3.4 Do not touch the nests, eggs, chicks and their surroundings. Do not remove some branches/foliage for a better view, as doing so may expose the subject to predators.


  1. Photographic Accessories

    4.1 Use artificial light including flash sparingly particularly when the subject is close or in dark environment.

    4.2 Use only diffused light for close-up images whenever possible

    4.3 Clamping accessories such as Plamp may damage the fragile stems of some plants. If it does, refrain from using it.

    4.4 Do not use drones in parks and reserves.


  1. Individual Behavior

    5.1 Practice common courtesy when in contacts with other photographers. Ask before joining others in shooting the same subject.

    5.2 Do not obstruct the view of other photographers who are at the site before you.

    5.3 Keep your voice low in order not to disturb the subjects, other photographers and site visitors.

    5.4 Inform others tactfully to stop them from engaging in inappropriate, harmful or dangerous behavior.

    5.5 Report inappropriate behavior to the relevant authorities when necessary

    5.6 Do not chase or stalk animals or birds

    5.7 Contact the Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES) in you come across a wild animal or bird that is sick, injured, trapped, in distress or is unable to move or fly due to fatigue or illness.


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